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21 Pictures To Send To Your Crush To Get His Attention

When you’re trying to come up with pictures to send to your crush, it’s important that you come up with the message that you want to send first. Do you want to flirt with him? Or would you rather him think about how cute you are

First, decide on the impression that you want to give your new crush. Then, check out these ideas to decide what to send your crush. 

Pictures To Send To Your Crush

It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to say, you can say it with a picture. If you’re planning on messaging him on Snapchat, sending a photo is a must. 

Make sure that it says the same thing that the words do. You don’t want to send him a photo of a pineapple with a relationship quote, for example. Scroll through these awesome ideas to come up with the perfect way to make him smile. 

1. Fruit puns are always a cute classic

If both you and your crush are a fan of puns, fruit puns are an awesome idea. He’ll think they are funny, and you can find plenty of pictures online or in the grocery store to go with them. 

Tell him that if he were a fruit he’d be a fineapple, and make sure that there is a snapshot of a pineapple as the background. Let him know that you had a “grape” time with him last night, complete with a picture of a bunch of grapes. 

These cute pictures are great if both of you guys already like each other. Keep in mind that you’ll want to get to know his sense of humor before sending him fun fruit puns. 

2. Find a compilation of memes

These are great ways to make your cute crush smile. While they aren’t always ideal for sending the message that you had a great time or that you like him, they are a great way to show him that you have a great sense of humor. 

Guys always appreciate a funny girl in a partnership and in a friendship. Make sure that you find a website that is packed with funny memes. 

Finding a website that has a view gallery button is ideal. Then, he can simply hit view gallery to see the pictures one at a time while he dies laughing. 

Make sure that the memes give him the impression that you want to give him. For example, do not send him a link to a gallery of sex-related memes if you do not want to have sex with him. 

3. Screenshot of an event

screenshot of an event

You can send him a picture and ask him out at the same time. Simply snap a screenshot of the event online. Make sure that it includes the day and time. Then, send your crush the screenshot with text asking them if they want to go. 

4. A photo of a fire

Snap a photo of a fire. This could be a bonfire that you’re having in your backyard or simply the flames on the stove. You can even find a photo of a fire online if you want to. 

Send him the photo with a caption that says is it hot in here? It’s funny and shows him that you’re interested. You can also let them know that the fire is not nearly as hot as they are. 

This is the perfect flirty texting to send your cute crush. It’s particularly great if you already know that they want to talk to you on the next level too. 

5. Cute pictures of animals

Do they love cute animals? Or cute pictures of cats? Take the time to find a few cute pictures that they love. If you’re not sure, send them pictures of cute animals doing fun things, like wearing glasses or skateboarding. 

Then, add some text to let them know that the animal is not nearly as cute as they are. This is the perfect thing to send your crush to make them smile. It shows that you’re fun too. 

6. Cute pictures of yourself

To really make him think about you, send your crush a cute picture of yourself. This is the perfect way to get the flirty texts going. 

Make sure that you portray the image that you want in the cute picture. Avoid too much cleavage if you don’t want his mind wandering down south. Send a picture of you laughing as though something really funny happened to appear fun. 

You can send your crush some text with a cute picture to get a response. Try to be vague to leave him wanting more. For example, a quick “wish you were here.” 

7. A picture of your dinner

First, you need to actually go out to dinner or make an amazing meal at home. (If you created the masterpiece, make sure that you let him know.) Then, take a perfect picture of it. 

You can use this picture to do a couple of things. Let him know that you enjoy cooking. Tell him that you’re taking a break from studying and could use some conversation. Or, if you can’t resist, let your cute crush know that you’d love to take them out to dinner sometime. 

8. Sexy pictures

sexy pictures

If you really want to get him to direct his attention to your other assets, snap him a sexy picture. A photo of you in the bathtub with your legs showing out of the water is a great idea. How about a picture with some “unintentional” cleavage?

If you’re not sure how he feels and send a sexy picture, make sure that you can backtrack if need be. Let him know the cleavage shot was unintentional if he doesn’t appreciate it. 

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Whether you're married or have just started seeing someone, infidelity rates are on the rise and have increased over 40% in the last 20 years, so you have all the right to be worried.

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Don’t forget the rule that you’re supposed to be chill. If a cute guy starts to hang onto every word that you say after you send him this snap, keep your cool. Don’t spend all day, every day texting him. 

9. Send your crush flirty texts meme style

Memes are a great way to have some fun with someone cute that you want to talk to. There is definitely no shortage of memes on the internet either!

You can find a meme to say everything from how are you doing to flirty texts to cheesy pick-up lines. Simply decide what you want to say, and then find a meme to send your cute crush. 

10. Flirty texts

If you want to send your crush a few flirty texts, there’s nothing wrong with that. You can find a meme, GIF or simply steal a screenshot of one online. It’s a great way to start a conversation. 

You can also send your cute crush some funny but cute texts to flirt with them. This is a wonderful idea if you are trying to get them to feel comfortable 

11. Send him selfies

send him selfies

Sending a cute girl or cute boy that you like selfies is always a great idea. It opens the door for them to tell you how cute you are. This is a great way to start texting one another as well. 

A selfie of your face is a great idea. It doesn’t hint at wanting more than friendship, but it also does not say that you don’t want one. Make sure that you are smiling and look great, of course!

12. Something crazy

If you’re looking for a conversation starter, send him something crazy. For example, a picture of a country with the biggest waterfall, or a crazy fact. 

When two people have been texting for a while, you’re bound to know a few things that they like. Sending a photo of something interesting is a great way to get them texting. 

13. A party

If you’re throwing back a few drinks and dancing the night away, send him a snap of it. This is a great time to start talking about what a person likes to do for fun. You can invite them to the party, too. 

However, keep in mind that parties are not good first-date ideas. You do not want him to have a first impression of you sloshed drunk and stumbling all over the place. 

14. A snap of something you’ve been texting about

This can literally be anything. Are you guys always texting about the news? Let him know the latest headlines. 

If the two of you were discussing going on a date, send him a snap of an activity that you like, such as bowling. You can even send a screenshot of movie times to give him a huge hint. 

15. Show them something you created

show them something you created

Although humor is always great, so is creativity. If you have a creative streak, show that off. 

This is a great way to tell someone that you like a little bit about yourself. If the two of you have been talking about creative pursuits, such as painting, let them know that you’re into it. 

The worst thing that you can do is send them things that only apply to them. Show them who you are as a person too!

16. Remind them how sexy you are

You don’t want them to start falling for someone else, do you? Sometimes, you have to make sure that your crush only has eyes for you. 

You can do this if you “accidentally” send them a hot picture. You can also intentionally send them one of you in a hot outfit to ask their opinion on it. There is no hard and fast rule on what you can, and can’t, send your crush to make sure that you’re on their mind. 

17. Something you know that they will like

Think back to previous conversations before deciding what to send your crush. Then, send them something that they will love. 

Is your crush a cute car guy? Send him a snap of a car that you saw. How about a cute girl that loves the outdoors? Send her a picture of a waterfall. 

When you do this, it shows that you’re putting forth some effort. 

18. A food they love

If you’re getting to know one another, chances are that you know what foods they like by now. Let them know that you had to try something they mentioned. 

Then, show them a picture so that they know you’re not faking it. A photo of yourself and the food is even better. 

You can then send them a text asking if they want to join you next time. It’s a great way to start a conversation that ends in the two of you going on your first date. 

19. Hit on them with cheesy pickup lines

hit on them with cheesy pickup lines

There is nothing subtle about these, and you have a few options. You can use the pun option and call them a “fineapple.” Memes and GIFs are another great idea. Or, you can simply send them a picture and include the pick-up line as text. Some great examples are: 

  • Are you tired from running through my mind all night?
  • Your dad must be a boxer because you’re a knockout!
  • Are you from outer space because you’re outta this world!
  • Do you know CPR because you took my breath away?

Keep in mind that these are best after you already know a person will appreciate them. They aren’t the worst idea, though. 

When you send lines like these before you get to know a person, you’re either going to get an eye roll and ghosted or a laugh. Make sure that you’re prepared for both responses. 

20. Relationship quotes

These are not a great idea if your crush and you are still just cute friends. While it’s great that you want to put yourself out there, it’s also important to get to know them a little bit better first. 

However, if the two of you have already established that you like each other, relationship quotes and memes are a great idea. These have the potential to take you from the talking stage to the next level. 

If the two of you have not previously discussed a relationship, this is a great way to start that talk. Expect them to put some thought into whatever you send them before they respond. 

You do need to keep in mind that if you’re not sure how this is going to go, you should be prepared for it to go either way. They might like you and want to move beyond a friendship. On the other hand, they might take this as an opportunity to let you know they don’t like you like that or that they do not want a relationship with anyone at the moment. 

21. Random funny things

If you don’t know what to send your crush, you can always use humor to fall back on. When you haven’t heard from him in a few days, and you’ve already respected the third-day rule, it’s time to make them smile. You’ll laugh him right back into your inbox. 

Use a funny video of someone falling. A hilarious joke. If they like puns, send him a few. Then, sit back and wait. This is always a golden idea. 


What questions can I ask my crush?

You can ask those classic getting-to-know-you questions. For example, their favorite food and color. Icebreaker questions, such as if you could have one superpower what would it be, are always a great way to spark some interesting discussions

What should I send to my crush?

Send them something you know that they would like. Avoid jokes in the beginning until you know their sense of humor unless they are dad jokes that no one will find offensive. Screenshot event dates and send them to your crush to let them know that you would love to go together. 

How can I impress my crush?

To impress your crush, you have to get to know what they like. Then, make sure that you show off your skills. In general, everyone appreciates confidence. You can impress your crush with some killer dance moves, being in great shape, or even with money. However, it’s a better idea to find out their dislikes first. 

How do you know if your crush likes you?

When your crush likes you, you’ll know. They will text back faster. When you tell a joke, they are always laughing louder than anyone else in the room. You catch them staring at you. They smile when you look their way. When someone really likes you, they will go above and beyond to get and keep your attention. 

How do I ask my crush out without being awkward?

Although most people do this in person to see someone’s reaction, you can always send them a text before launching your phone across the room. Simply text them and let them know that you like them. Do it on Snapchat so you can see that they read it. Then, wait for their response. 

In Conclusion

Figuring out the perfect thing to send to your crush can require a bit of thought. You’ll need to consider what they do or don’t like. It’s also important to keep the level of your friendship in mind before you text them. What would you send to your crush?

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